Monday 10 September 2012

Understanding the Fruit Diet Risks For Best Results

As you explore the benefits of the fruit diet, it is only prudent to also inform yourself of the fruit diet risks. Our culture is beset with health issues, and many struggle with their weight. Any dietary plan that has helped a number of people transform their looks and lifestyle is pretty attractive. The fruit diet is fairly popular at the moment, due to its touted success. If you are considering giving it a go, this article will help you do your homework and be aware of the downsides of this eating plan.
The fruit diet risks being too low in caloriesFruit Diet
As with all restrictive eating plans, cutting out whole food groups, as this diet requires, can slow your metabolism. The reason is that your body ingests far fewer calories than it is used to, and therefore switches to starvation mode. In starvation mode your body clings to its reserves, or begins to use its protein stores (your muscles) for fuel, rather than your fat reserves. This also teaches your body to run on less calories, thus slowing your weight loss, or calorie burning over the long term.  A 3 day stint on this plan may prove beneficial, but over the long term the fruit diet risks lowering your metabolism.
The fruit diet risks increased disease
Because this diet as a lifestyle, or practiced repeatedly, can lead to wide fluctuations in weight gain, it can bring on other health conditions. The weight highs and lows can put strain on the heart, and create complications. Emotionally, the highs and lows of yo-yo dieting can result in eating disorders and obesity. It can also trigger more extreme mood swings, and/or lead to depression.
Because of its restrictiveness, the fruit diet risks creating nutrient deficiencies in the body. It can lead to anemia, osteoporosis, and malnutrition. It is possible to offset some of these deficiencies with a quality multi vitamin.
Physically, some people find they do not have sufficient energy to perform their daily tasks, or exercise. This fatigue can be dangerous, depending on the physical demands you have on you.
All this does not mean that the fruit diet cannot be a sensible and effective cleanse for many people, resulting in weight loss and greater health. It simply means that you must not abuse it by overusing it. Over the long term, balanced, healthy eating and exercising do usually yield the best results or a lean, healthy, strong body.
If you are considering detoxing with the fruit diet, always check with your doctor first to be sure your body can handle the switch. With proper preparation, and moderation, you can minimize the fruit diet risks, and experience good results.

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